Governance is the third pillar of our ESG blueprint. To that end, we have taken it upon ourselves to ensure a culture of transparency, accountability, ethical conduct, safety, responsibility, and regulatory compliance throughout the organization.

Here's what we try to live by
- Transparency & Accountability - Organizational accountability and transparency across levels is ensured by our Board of Directors, especially through advocating the highest ethical and responsible business standards and codes of conduct.
- Board Oversight Committees-We've set up an ESG & CSR Committee of the Board of Individual Companies to supervise these activities. These boards meet quarterly for analyzing performance and providing feedback.
- Anti-Bribery and Anti-Corruption - The ABAC Policy has been implemented across the board and our group companies. We take responsibility for ensuring operations/business activities strictly in compliance with anti-corruption and anti-bribery regulations, limiting any stakeholder payments of an unethical and improper nature. We believe in full disclosure of any benefit or payment for any one, along with proper accounting and documentation of the same.
- Codes of Conduct - Our Code Conduct of lays out our core philosophies, beliefs, pledges, commitments, and responsibilities. This policy lays down the standards and principles that all third parties (acting on our behalf) and employees should abide by. We also believe that it is our guiding light in terms of seeking clarity or understanding of any ethical concerns related to any function/operation of the organization.
- Whistle Blower Policy (Third Party Managed) We've provided an opportunity for all stakeholders and employees to raise their concerns regarding aspects that may impact company value, performance, operations, and reputation. They can do so by reaching out to the Ethics Committee and the Chief Ethics Officer.
Good governance is not just about good intentions; it's a lot about implementing and maintaining these core philosophies without any deviations. We remain proudly committed towards upholding the highest governance and transparency standards at all times.